BSP 2017
For the Landesgruppe Westfalen, we were able to start the BSP 2017 with four teams from Gescher this year! Jana Jansen with Emy from the Dorsten border, Heinz Elpers with Ondra from Eichendorffsiedlung, Josef Kötting with Lynn from the queen, Jannik Kötting with Flash de Lupo and Jasmin Hanning with Sky-Rider from Klinkenhagen. Unfortunately, we could not reach top rankings this year but did not let the mood take away. 🙂 Jana Jansen with her Emy reached the 15th place (A-run 1 mistake, J1 1 mistake, J2 0 mistake, place 1) Placement of the Gescheraner Agilitys! The entire results can be found here.